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2  Developing with JavaHMI

    2.1  Downloading the latest version

You can download the latest JavaHMI version here:

    2.2  Accessing the cvs source tree

JavaHMI's CVS repository can be checked out through anonymous (pserver) CVS with the following instruction set. When prompted for a password for anonymous, simply press the Enter key.

cvs login
cvs -z3 co javahmi

    2.3  Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)

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        2.3.1  Eclipse

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        2.3.2  NetBeans

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    2.4  Development Considerations

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    2.5  Writing JNI (Java™ Native Interface) wrappers

        2.5.1  What is JNI

The Java Native Interface enables Java code to be embedded in C code and vice versa.  The advantage of JNI to JavaHMI is that most interface cards and PLC have C interfaces available to them.  To make these resources available to JavaHMI, JNI can be used to "wrap" the C interfaces in Java classes.  These classes are then available to be incorporated with JavaHMI.

        2.5.2  A JNI Primer

Excerpts of the following example were taken from chapter 2 of Sheng Liang's The Java Native Interface.

Step 1:  Declare the native method in a Java™ program.

Code Example 2.1.
class HelloWorld {
	private native void print();
	public static void main(String [] args) {
		new HelloWorld().print();
	static {

Compile this program:

%>  javac

This creates a file HelloWorld.class in the same directory.

Step 2:  Create the native method header.

%>  javah -jni HelloWorld

This assumes the current directory is included in your class path.  The command above creates the file HelloWorld.h.

Step 3:  Write native method implementation.

Code Example 2.2.  HelloWorld.c
#include <jni.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "HelloWorld.h"
Java_HelloWorld_print(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
	printf("Hello World!\n");

%>  gcc -shared \
>  -I$JAVA_HOME/include \
>  -I$JAVA_HOME/include/linux \
>  HelloWorld.c -o

In the command above the "\" are line continuations.  The command above assumes you are running a Linux system.  Please consult your c compiler documentation for variances on your system.  This command also assumes you have an environment variable JAVA_HOME that points to your Java installation.

The command above produces the file which is a shared library file.

Step 4:  Run the program.

%>  java -Djava.library.path=. \
>  -Djava.class.path=.:$CLASSPATH HelloWorld
Hello World!

    2.6  Extending ControlObserver and its subclasses

The following example shows how net.sourceforge.javahmi.mockup.MockDigitalOutput extends net.sourceforge.javahmi.control.ControlDigitalOutput which extends ControlObserver.

Code Example 2.2.
package net.sourceforge.javahmi.mockup;

import net.sourceforge.javahmi.control.ControlDigitalOutput;

public class MockDigitalOutput extends ControlDigitalOutput {

	public final Integer ON = new Integer(1);
	public final Integer OFF = new Integer(0);

	private Integer _value = ON;

	public MockDigitalOutput() {

	public Number read() {
		return _value;

	public void write(Number value) {
		if (value instanceof Integer) {
			if (value.intValue() != ON.intValue()
				&& value.intValue() != OFF.intValue()) {
				StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer();
				msg.append("Input parameter must be ");
				msg.append("either MockDigitalObservable.ON ");
				msg.append("or MockDigitalObservable.OFF.");
				throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg.toString());
			_value = (Integer) value;
		} else {
			StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer();
			msg.append("Input parameter is not of type Integer.");
			throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg.toString());


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